13 Mar 2019 However, DirectX 12 isn't offered on Windows 7 and in order bring a similar experience to its substantial gamer base on Windows 7, Blizzard
26 авг 2019 А ещё это означает потенциальную возможность запуска игр с DirectX Raytracing на Windows 7. Ведь этот API есть расширение DX12, 13 Mar 2019 There was a time when support for DirectX 12 on Windows 7 would have been a big deal. In 2015, for example, when it launched alongside 23 Aug 2019 DirectX 12 works on Windows 7, but that wasn't always the case. Microsoft originally only supported the newest graphics API on Windows 10 16 Mar 2019 Microsoft has announced that it is bringing DirectX 12 support for Windows 7. The company also announced that Blizzard Entertainment's 12 Mar 2019 In a far less fictional event, Microsoft has posted an update on their DirectX Blog announcing that they've brought a form of DirectX 12 to Windows GeForce GTX 1080 Ti, Ghost Recon Wildlands & DirectX 12 Game Ready Ensure the definitive experience in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands by Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 & Windows XP Game Ready Driver Released. With this release we are also happy to announce support for Microsoft's DirectX 12 on Windows 7. This feature is supported in the Radeon Software Adrenalin
13 mar 2019 L'introduzione delle DirectX12 su Windows 10 ha permesso agli utenti di World of Warcraft di migliore l'esperienza di gioco, ottenendo in primo 13 мар 2019 Microsoft je potvrdio da je portovao svoj DirectX 12 runtime u Windows 7. World of Warcraft DirectX 12 multi-threading poboljšanja 13 Mar 2019 However, DirectX 12 isn't offered on Windows 7 and in order bring a similar experience to its substantial gamer base on Windows 7, Blizzard 13. März 2019 Microsoft stellt auch für diese Version höhere FPS als mit dem DirectX-11-Pfad in Aussicht, auch wenn die Leistung unter Windows 10 besser 17 Mar 2019 Depois que 4 anos de lançado, a Microsoft anunciou que o DirectX 12 passa a ser suportado também pelo Windows 7. Antes, ele só era 13 mars 2019 A lire sur jeuxvideo.com : Malgré l'arrêt de la prise en charge de Windows 7 planifié pour le 14 janvier 2020, Microsoft a étonnamment décidé
2019. aug. 26. Mára kiderült, hogy a következő ilyen cím a Gears 5 lesz, amely csak DirectX 12 leképezőt tartalmaz, de így is támogatja a Windows 7 12 Mar 2019 Gamers who remain on Windows 7 can now play World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth with the added boost of DirectX 12. Microsoft announced 18 mars 2019 Voilà une bonne nouvelle pour les joueurs PC qui seraient toujours coincés sous Windows 7. Cette version de l'OS de Microsoft vient d'ajouter 13 Mar 2019 Ha llegado tras mucho tiempo: DirectX en Windows 7. El soporte ha llegado al fin al SO de Microsoft. Si no fuera porque morirá en menos de 15 mars 2019 La présence de l'API 3D DirectX 12 dans le seul système d'exploitation Windows 10 avait été l'un des arguments majeurs de Microsoft pour
21 Aug 2019 We publish binaries and documents to allow game developers to run their DirectX 12 games on Windows 7. 17 май 2019 В связи с появлением Windows 10 этот вопрос актуален как никогда. В Windows 7 поддержка DirectX 11.1 уже есть изначально. 26 авг 2019 А ещё это означает потенциальную возможность запуска игр с DirectX Raytracing на Windows 7. Ведь этот API есть расширение DX12, 13 Mar 2019 There was a time when support for DirectX 12 on Windows 7 would have been a big deal. In 2015, for example, when it launched alongside 23 Aug 2019 DirectX 12 works on Windows 7, but that wasn't always the case. Microsoft originally only supported the newest graphics API on Windows 10
2019. aug. 26. Mára kiderült, hogy a következő ilyen cím a Gears 5 lesz, amely csak DirectX 12 leképezőt tartalmaz, de így is támogatja a Windows 7